The Banker Ladies Council: New Website, Movie Trailer, and Funding

Our objective is to recognize and legitimize the role ROSCAs play in the economy. Money saved using this type of system has been used to stimulate the economy through the purchase of homes, starting businesses & funding education. #bankerladies #blackpossibilities

An initiative created by The Banker Ladies Council, The ROSCA Network offers education, training and advocacy services to its ROSCA practitioners across the country. The ROSCA Network will give legitimacy to women who have been using this type of informal banking as a form of savings. #bankerladies #blackpossibilities

The ROSCA Network will support and protect the rights of ROSCA users in Canada. We will work to address challenges faced by ROSCA users, raise awareness about this form of saving money & enable users to connect with other ROSCA users across the country. #blackpossibilities #bankerladies

The Banker Ladies Council Featured in New Movie


The Banker Ladies Council is currently accepting donations through The Unbankable Trust.