Fireside Chat with Caroline Shenaz Hossein

Join DISE Collective Elder Dr. Suzanne Bergeron in conversation with fellow DISE Member Dr. Caroline Hossein for:

Fireside Chat with Caroline Shenaz Hossein: Reflections on Beyond Racial Capitalism: Co-operatives in the African Diaspora

Dr. Suzanne Bergeron, Professor Emerita at the University of Michigan Dearborn, will lead a discussion with Caroline on anti-racist feminist political economy, solidarity economy activities, and her recent co-edited book with Sharon Wright Austin and Kevin Edmondsbook, Beyond Racial Capitalism: Co-operatives in the African Diaspora.

Dr. Caroline Shenaz Hossein is a Professor of Global Development at the University of Toronto Scarborough, Founder of Diverse Solidarity Economies (DISE) Collective, and Board Member of the world’s leading global Feminist economics association, The IAFFE.


When: Jun 14, 2024 9:00 AM EST
Where: Zoom (Register Here)

Now Available!

Caroline Hossein